1104 S. 2nd St. Laramie, Wyoming 82070
(307) 460-3775 ​laramieanimalwelfaresociety1@gmail.com
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Please read ALL the following information carefully before applying:
You must be 21 or older to adopt a cat or small animal from LAWS- we will ask for proof of verification.
If your current housing situation is temporary, such as a rental, please carefully consider whether you'll be able to take your pet with you to new housing. The most common reason for relinquishment to a shelter is ‘moving and cannot take with’. If you have any doubt of your ability to provide a forever home, please consider fostering instead of adoption. We are always looking for feline and canine fosters. LAWS pays all expenses! You can find out more about fostering on our Foster Page.
Read all questions carefully and provide full answers to every question posed. If responses to the questions posed below are not full and complete, the application cannot be processed. Application may not be processed or could be denied for a variety of reasons. Our first priority is the health, safety, and happiness of our adoptable pets.
First Name*
Last Name*
Zip/Postal Code* -
Home Phone*
Work Phone x
Cell Phone*
Alt Email
Please provide your date of birth.*
Is this application for a cat? Or other small mammal? (Dogs have separate application) *
Will the animal live at the address listed in your contact information above?*
If no, what is the address where this animal will live? Explain why there are two addresses.
Where will this pet live? (home, garage, shed, barn etc...)*
Are you the LEGAL OWNER of the property you live in, meaning that YOUR NAME appears on the deed of the property/property tax bills? (All property ownerships will be verified.)*
If you are NOT the legal owner, please provide the FULL NAME and PHONE NUMBER of the Owner/Property Manager/Landlord (use N/A if you are the legal owner). *
Have you obtained permission from your current landlord/property management to adopt a pet? (All landlords/property management will be called to confirm adoption permission.)
Will this animal be an Emotional Support Animal? *
If this will be an ESA, have you provided the necessary ESA paperwork to your landlord/property management? (DO NOT apply before the ESA paperwork has been properly filed with your current landlord/property management.)
Please list NAME, AGE and TYPE of all other pets living in your household.*
Are the other pets in your household current on vaccinations?
Please list the NAME and PHONE NUMBER of each veterinarian(s) who most recently vaccinated each of your listed pets. Include the name of the person whose name the veterinary records would appear under.*
Please list the NAME (first and last) and PHONE NUMBER of at least 3 (three) references. Describe how you know each reference. Your application cannot be processed if we cannot speak with ALL of your references. NOTE: Please inform your references that you have given us their name and number and will be contacting them.*
Please list the NAME and AGE of ALL household members including yourself, spouse, partner, parents, all children (part-time and full-time), roommates and anyone else residing at your home.*
Does everyone in your household agree to adding a pet to the home?*
Are you adopting this pet for yourself?*
If no, who are you adopting this pet for?
Who will be the primary caretaker of this pet?*
Who will take care of your pet in an emergency or if you are out of town?*
Are you employed?
Describe your daily schedule and the time you have available to spend with your adopted animal.*
If you have dogs, have they been around cats before?
If you have cats, are they declawed?
What is your philosophy regarding declawing cats?*
What is your philosophy on cats going outdoors?*
Will this pet be indoor, outdoor or both? *
Will this pet be indoor, outdoor or both?
Describe your experience with the type of animal for which you are applying (cat, kitten, rabbit, rodent, reptile, bird etc...).*
Why do you want this pet?
Are you aware of any allergies you or a current household member have to cats (or to the type of animal for which you are applying)?*
Cats typically live 15-20 years. Are you willing to take responsibility for this pet for that length of time?*
How much are you able to afford each month in expenses for your pet to ensure proper nutrition, routine veterinary exams and vaccines (typically $200-$500 a year), and unexpected vet bills ($1000-$10000)? Please list a dollar amount. *
Have you ever surrendered or rehomed a pet? If so, please describe the circumstances, including when the pet was surrendered or rehomed.*
Kitty habits I just cannot tolerate include:
Have you previously adopted an animal from LAWS?*
If yes, WHO did you adopt and WHEN did you adopt?
Do you have a specific cat, kitten, rabbit or other animal you're interested in? (Please note that listing a specific animal here does not guarantee the adoption of that animal if approved)
I would like a cat who:
Are there other characteristics or temperaments you would like in this companion?
How do you plan to set up your home to accommodate a new animal, including introductions to any existing animals in the home? Would you like advice from LAWS about best practices for pet introduction?*
I confirm that I have read and answered every applicable question thoroughly, and I understand that my application cannot be processed if I have not completed it fully.*
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Important Links
Laramie Pets - Lost and Found
Lost Dog Database
PawBoost—Find Your Lost Pet
Pet Poison Helpline